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A Problem-Posing Educator

My ethnographic research focuses on community policing programs in Brazilian favelas (shantytowns) and prison abolition in the United States. I have received support from the Fulbright Foundation, The Latin American Studies Association, the Ford Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the Katherine Davis Fellowship for Peace. The next stage of my work will use participatory action research in collaboration with favela-based activists and scholars. 


My teaching relating to multi-model, sensory, and social media ethnography encourages a critical perspective on race, gender, and class in the criminal justice system. I have a decade of teaching experience. For the University of Colorado-Boulder, I taught both introductory and advanced anthropology, criminology, and Peace Studies courses. I also incorporated community-based learning projects for courses at selective liberal arts colleges including Beloit College's anthropology program and Carroll University's Political Science Program. I also designed introductory anthropology and sociology courses for incarcerated students at the Milwaukee Area Technical College. I am particularly interested in a problem-posing education that allows students to translate academic vocabularies for everyday life. 



Doctor of Philosophy in Cultural Anthropology (University of Colorado-Boulder)

Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology (University of Colorado-Boulder)

Bachelor of Arts in History of Cultural Anthropology (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)


Assistant Professor | Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology| Colorado State University-Pueblo        2024

Lecturer | Anthropology | Virginia Commonwealth University                                                                         2023

Lecturer | Social and Cultural Sciences| Marquette University                                                                         2022-2024

Visiting Assistant Professor | Department of Anthropology | Beloit College                                                  2021-2022        

Lecturer | Department of Political Science | Carroll University                                                                         2020-2024 

Instructor | Department of Anthropology | University of Colorado                                                                 2010-2021

instructor | Social Sciences | Milwaukee Area Technical College                                                                     2018-2022 

Lecturer | Peace, Conflict, and Security Program | University of Colorado                                                     2018-2019


“Culture and Society”

“The Anthropology of Activism”

“Police and Democratic States”

“Social Media Analysis”

"Contemporary Global Politics”

 “International Relations"

“Introduction to American Politics”

“Introductory to Anthropology”

“Police and Democratic States”

“Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America”

“People and Cultures of Brazil”

"Introductory to Sociology”

Introduction to Anthropology”

“Global Studies”

“Death and Dying”

"Introduction to Diversity Studies"

“Diversity Studies for English as a Second Language”

“Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies”

“Communication and Conflict Management” 

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